Having said that I will give you a tidbit of the latest trauma in their lives....a fan. The have never seen a fan before. They joined my household in September of last year. Prior to that they were in a couple of shelters so of course not exposed to a lot of ordinary things found in a home.
The other day I decided to cook a steak for myself. I popped it into the oven to broil it and the house soon filled with smoke. I was on the phone in the other room and didn't notice it right away. My two girls were playing the usual game of grab your collar and drag you around the house. I guess they aren't cut out to be rescue dogs because they didn't mention a thing about the smoke filling the kitchen! Finally I smelled it and when I got to the kitchen I raced to pull out the steak (wasn't burned!) and open the window and door. That wasn't enough, so I dragged out the floor fan and set it up....not thinking for a moment that they would get freaked out by it.
Bell (the quieter one) couldn't look away. She stood a couple of feet from that fan and just starred at it for at least 20 mins. Eventually Nicki joined her...having noticed that Bell wasn't dragging her around by her collar anymore. I was in the kitchen at this point and the fan was between me and the girls. Bell wanted so badly to get into the kitchen but didn't dare go by that fan. Finally Bell braved it and jumped over it! Now Nicki was pacing back and forth trying to decide if she should jump it or squeeze by it. A couple of barks from her didn't impress the fan...now what to do? Eventually, with Bell's teasing her and me encouraging her, she finally conquered her fear and squeezed by the fan. Then she promptly grabbed Bell by the collar and lead her around the kitchen! Was that her version of a victory lap??
Here's a couple of pictures of Nick trying to squeeze her big body by that fan. Bell loves these shots because Nicki is usually the brave one!
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